Wednesday, April 27, 2011

refer to the retinue documents.

I've long said namely there was vice president of Peking University to give up school pulchritude jobs to do dog caring == == masculine guests the chance to depress light were demolished. Perhaps it is for of the cute dog and in humanity, which makes dog and pretty journey. may in fact, many youth women in the dog have had to face a very real problem of headache is also a dog will not affect the fertility mm it? impact? How can we avoid?
Seriously, the dog may have a lot of problems, such as If you do not disburse attention Health can grow lice and other parasites jumping Shatter, near contact to people who can rise to the corresponding rind, and shedding of dog cilia can also cause some people's allergies. But the relationship among fertility and the largest and maximum polemical, but and the dog is related to Toxoplasma gondii infection! 1997, Toxoplasma infection rate than women up to 6 times without Addicts (but is not restricted to the txt of cats, dogs apart). To do this, refer to the following documents.
Toxoplasma gondii in fertile women with remedial health
Anhui University Research Professor of Clinical Epidemiology: Zu Shuxian
recent years, an mushroom of family rearing cats and dogs, and many newspapers warned the public papers, dogs and cats can cause toxoplasmosis, caused disgustful birth defects. Although this is needful, but unfortunately many of the article is not exact enough, and some to exaggeration, sensationalism, causing unwarranted public fear, causing a lot of small animals being forsook. In this paper, a pet often inquire the Lord to give responses to several questions.
1. What is toxoplasmosis? mm 【zoonotic, almost 40% of the adult world by Toxoplasma gondii infection】
flu is not caused by a parasitic infection of Toxoplasma gondii, toxoplasma infection around the world are very mutual the United States, Britain and the adults, about 16 ~ 40% of the infections occurred, and some surveys 70% of adults in Europe and Latin America, 50 infections occurred in 80%, French 90% .1985 90 years of China's 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions investigated, mostly beneath 10%, significantly lower than exotic.
vast bulk of natural people infected with no symptoms, or symptoms are very light, do not understand when infection, only a small number of people the initial infection (or basic infection) when there is fever, swollen lymph nodes,toronto escorts, headache, muscle and coupler anguish and abdominal pain a few days or weeks afterward, with the human body immune system, symptoms of hours, but the formation of The existence of cysts in the body a few months, years or longer, are generally self-healing. However, in patients with severe immune absence, such as AIDS, etc., in case of infection, the consequence is very serious. pregnant women infected with can be transmitted to the fetus, serious consequences may also occur.
2. What is the transmission of Toxoplasma gondii? mm 【way to much, not many dogs infected】
premier consumed undercooked meat, particularly pigs, sheep. almost entire mammals and birds, such for rodents, pigs, sheep, cattle, rabbits and fowls, ducks, geese, Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted, and the high rate of infection. were the chief source of infection to Since the meat of these animals, such for Shabu-Shabu and the temperature namely insufficient period is also short, which does not slay T. gondii, there is the risk of transmission. raw alternatively contamination of meat chopping embark can also be transmitted. contaminated sheep breast can be transmitted. The lower prevalence of T. gondii population may be related to the Chinese people's habits of meat cooked.
Toxoplasma gondii can infect dogs, merely their droppings and excretions are not contagious, if you do not eat dog ambition not be infected. Some people say ; apt reproach the family dog, these are unfounded.
infected cat feces is an momentous source of infection. cats and cats are the definitive host of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cat feces unloaded capsule zygote, ordinarily lasts 1-20 weeks, seldom longer; this time is the contagious phase. inquiries around the world, about 1% of cat feces embodying Toxoplasma gondii cyst zygote. cat feces in the pouch zygote development in the outside world to be 2 to 5 talent is infectious, so when dealing with cat feces is quite important. pouch zygote can be in the water, moist soil to survive as several months or longer,and then beach it, so cat feces contaminated food, water and even dust, people eat can be transmitted . in a entirely cooked meat district, cats are an important source of infection of people. However, as the intermediate host of many other animals can also spread. For instance, very few cats have many pastures, there are many cattle and sheep infected; and the world There are not cats individual isles,toronto escort, the islanders infection rate remains high. Therefore, there is an important nation, for fecal contamination of the cat and ate the immature meat is not important.
pregnant women infected with Toxoplasma gondii can be transmitted to the fetus, the accident of congenital infection, congenital infection of the fetus may have serious consequences, it is very important. However, not only before pregnancy in pregnant women infected with Toxoplasma gondii, the first time during pregnancy (basic) infection have been transmitted to the fetus, if pregnant women infected with Toxoplasma gondii before pregnancy, she would no longer be by risk.
3. congenital Toxoplasma gondii infection risk to the fetus what? mm 【pregnant women infected with Toxoplasma gondii impact, just in circumstance, before and after pregnancy, or attempt to avoid contact】
if the first 3 months of pregnancy, congenital infection occurs, About 40% of the fetuses may have serious damage, miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal ailment, or after birth has eyes, brain or liver ailment or deformity, such as retinal choroidal inflammation, cataracts, intracerebral calcification, hydrocephalus, microcephaly , cerebral retardation, jaundice, and hepatosplenomegaly. pregnant last 3 months of infections, severe than 3%.
1996, the Helsinki University Hospital, Toxoplasma gondii, a study base on the fetus: in They examined the serum antibody 16 733 pregnant women, merely 42 were primary infections, of which 36 received spiramycin, long-term follow-up results, and their children CPC congenital toxoplasmosis occurred in 4 cases, 2 cases serious nervous system lesions, 2 patients had no clinical symptoms. the repose of the basic infection in children connate to pregnant women and mastermind growth of children with other women is no assorted.
obstruction of Toxoplasma infection: a good pet to discourage pollution control water, do not drink unboiled water, Wu Shi undercooked mutton, raw and cooked edible with knives, mowing boards do not merge, babies do not melodrama with cats, dogs and other animals, ahead and behind pregnancy to lest adjoin with these pets.

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