Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a abatement of diet

Fall Health
fall season, days of high air is crisp, is a good time to exercise. But the body's physiological activities with natural context in a support of the state, so exercise regimen is going to emulate the conviction that the projects do not do too much physical activity to prevent perspiration loss, injury yang consumption. motherland medical demands fall more tactic exercises in breath meditation method, the qigong, intended to keep power, and so, the reason it was in this.
throughout the year, the people can not all engage in heavy sports program, should be based on the physiological specifics of the human body Select sport. Recently, a German expert Hans Brunswick infectious diseases. e. Miller in the same which has this to say: thought the equivalent of a parrot, turtle or crocodile life that is 50 to 100 years in the energy consumption. a creature out of all the energy it will die. In addition, heart rate faster, shorter life expectancy. not without reason, some have compared to a burning bougie animals, developmental manhood Zhao, burning more prosperous, when the best bougie wax off, life is bound to end. biologist Snell Rub through comparable studies of marathon, intended energy consumption point of view, he believes that once and for all the mammals in the growth, sustained in the way of their lives, each kilogram of body weight, generally absence to consume the same amount of energy, the average energy of each mammal 191,600 cards, to the energy consumed,toronto escort, animals die naturally. However, each differ animal because of race, which has a heat is not the same. Rub Bunnell who thought the energy for the 725,800 cards, the average energy than all the mammals more than 4 times From this point of view, building of human biological material distant stronger than that of other animals, more full of vitality.
this methodology, the regular consumption of stamina as early as possible to early decease, late depleted to longevity. to rats and bats and words, two alike shape and weight, but they are excellent distinctions in the average life expectation because of their vigor consumption and related. bulk of the day resting bats in a cave, merely bring an end to ... at night to fly a few hours, a to complete cessation of the activities in winter, the metabolic rate is very cheap, quite tiny stamina consumption, longer life expectancy; and mice scampering approximately the clock; energy consumption, so the short life. the general, he said, the right speed and metabolism of beasts life expectancy is short, and slow metabolism of the beasts, life is long, for one is no exception. According to this outlook, in the fall, and physical weakness. autumn amusement and health include the following:
first fall practice should work to lose weight.
Although the season all year circular to deduct from, but still to fall to deduct from the best. Because modern medical studies have shown , obesity changes with the seasons alteration. summer, hot climate, sweating, the energy consumption of large, fat compartment metabolism was faster, and thus the degree of obesity has been reduced. to fall gradually as the weather is cooler , fat cells gradually accumulate in array to prevent heat diffusion, coupled with better organizational structure of fat cells and has strong chemical activity, though you can shrink in the summer, but generally do not die, to fall right again will re-active, If unchecked, this time, the body began to become obese, but this time it is also the best season that we cut corners. In sports, the following exercises to choose from.
natural stand waist slimming power
, hands akimbo, two thumbs reception on both sides of the Shenshu (second lumbar spinous process bordering to open about 5 cm), meaning keep the Gate of Life. inhale, bend back waist, two under the thumb firmly press Shenshu; breath, back bent forward, the two thumb relax, repeat 10 times.
natural breathing when standing naturally, meaning keep the navel. The brush placed at the waist needs to cut down, so massive hips, make the brush Friction needs to deduct from portions, about 20 times each, and then intended to keep the Gate of Life, the brush by the Vital Point (second lumbar spinous process) scrub the mighty point to the long (between the coccyx and the anus-side). under the brush when the suction gas, restore breath.
sat on the mattress, feet close together and knees bent, legs extend. to patronize the hands and feet, so that the hip elevation of 5 cm. intended to keep the navel, natural breathing, twisting the waist to the right to make right knee touch the mattress; and then tangled the left, so left knee touch the mattress. about 10 times each.
supine, hands placed on the side of the body, palms down, legs straight and near attach, meaning keep the middle. suction gas, his legs slowly elevation of 45 degrees; breath; legs slow down. do 10 times.
according to the law practice for three months if it can typically depress waist circuit of 5 cm. The longer the exercise, weight loss the better. especially the women who practice this power lumbar tub best.
abdominal weight loss power from the xiphoid BARS
pairs of hands to move the brim of the pubic symphysis, and even pushing 12, and then the hands were set in the abdomen on both sides, from the left and right shove down to the pelvis by the rib brim, and even move 12; then placed Cullen right palm, rubbing pressure in the abdomen clockwise 50 times; in the same way with his left hand counter-clockwise rubbing oppression of 50 times, until the sense of the degree of abdominal peppery.
sitting on the bed, legs straight and close together, so that legs and upper body into a 120 degree angle, both his hands on the navel, the navel Laogong of the men left, including, Women's right-hand account, meaning keep the navel. inspiratory breath a moment, then shouted out: side) from the bottom up to gently spiral massage, intended abdominal weight loss, repeated 5 times.
natural stand, the brush has been on the Ren and stomach through the line of the abdomen, the abdominal force to the lower stomach brush, the brush when the next breath, restore breathing.
standing, sitting can be, coerce in the abdomen with a brush via the line of lower extremity sites (anterior lateral leg), a straight line from the top-down knead, the afterward rub when the inhalation, reinstate breathing, repeated 5 periods, and then press ashore the index finger toe suture between two to 3 feet inside the tribunal points, 5 points right and left.
bigu bigu edible in front of Qigong
One day, a cutback of diet, and planned to keep the gastrointestinal, intended upcoming bigu (also understood yet Valley, Juegu, off Valley, bowel, etc., that is, the averaging of meals do no eat grains. yet refraining from eating grain is not equal to the hunger strike, refraining period, such for dry and fresh fruit, nourishment, drugs, etc. can have effortless access) to clear the gastrointestinal tract and the body of toxins. Jizhi, wash body and mind, so namely thinking in a fresh air of bigu ambition and gratitude of the state.
in bigu the first day of the starting of the morning, to finish the first row of urine. If there is no bowel movement, can serve such a small value of senna laxative medication to make defecate.
addition to sleep, but from day one, every two hours of practice 15 to 30 minutes,toronto escort, the main training intended to keep the pubic region (gas sea cave, 5 cm beneath the umbilicus). If hunger, places intended to lead air to the stomach, a round film or for small Zhou, and more hunger can reduce or eliminate. If in the sunny morning, the East Fangcai She will have to face the sun, or to accept a fresh photo of the gas factories and trees.
these exercises can be joined for 3 to 5 days a week or two weeks can be 1 to 2 bigu days. bigu stopped gradually retrieved after eating, binge eating is not sudden. must be noted that during the practice should be prohibited sexual intercourse, do not do too exhausted to work.
addition to the on method can exercise to cut down, but to deduct from for the purpose of exercise, should choose easy jogging, walking, swimming, gymnastics and tai chi and other aerobic sports, the duration of each exercise at fewest 30 minutes or more, exercise intensity (percentage of prime oxygen uptake) of 40% to 60% between proper. According to the pulse intensity and proportional relationship between the 40 to 50 years of old movement, the pulse control in 100 and 130 times / divided into appropriate; youth people, may be appropriate to raise more. If the assessment of subjective sensibility exercise intensity, the movement does not feel shortness of breath, running when the pace brisk, the body slightly sweated, breathing evenly and can leak and peep conversation is appropriate.
second climb during Chung Yeung Festival.
a long time, with the traditional Festival imagine. why the Chung Yeung Festival to climb it? are generally derived from the romance of the elapse, Huan Jing to a catastrophe at family Sept. 9, to argue him to depart for the mountains on that day, nectar chrysanthemum brandy. Huan Jing family that day entire the sudden death of cattle and sheep towards every additional. as to how to dead, for nameless reasons. But after in the climb, in truth, the ancients after the crop, while the autumn, out of town; on the . Yang pop Um also a poem: use of the good times, with friends and family as partners, hiking tour, both the elegance, but also fitness, and enjoy viewing the noted Silk Market, enjoy the pretty landscape of nature, certainly is a pleasure. mountaineering tourism despite the many avails, it should be famous health care, or did not, characteristic amounts are:
climbers should be preceded by checkup.
ahead climbing to do the best in a comprehensive physical examination, especially in the elderly. chronic diseases, to understand their own health. If have severe high blood pressure, center disease, tuberculosis, neuropathy who do not mountain climbing, to lest chances;
to know better itinerary, intended rest and repast sites, the best people are familiar with the roads guiding to prevent the blind in the mountains loitering, causing both to wade the road, but also a consume of time.
climate of the mountains should understand and attempt to get the day before climbing exactly and authentic weather predictions. with a good essential to arrange for morning and evening, lukewarm clothes, to prevent cold. climber with cloth-soled shoes, rubber-soled shoes appropriate.
rest do not sit on wet ground and the outlet, sweating a little loose when clasped, do not strip hat, to prevent the common cold catch cold. dining should be in the lee, first take a damage and then into the diet.
climbers thought to be silence, action should be slow, especially the elderly and infirm must pay attention to this point. At every half hour, the best rest 10 minutes to avoid fatigue.
peregrination mountain climbing, not for rivalry, equitable for pleasure. travel climbing, or calculate rate, just Happy. escalators or along the stone steps, or find tree-lined way, the line slowly and watch scenery, heritage view, side edge about travel, fun.
to as little as possible with luggage, easier to migrate amenable; for the elderly, should send sticks, so not only saving energy, is also salutary to safety. the road to reliability, always circumspect feet. to converge on climbing a mountain, and memorandum if the activities at the foot of the stone, so as not to step turned Ta. walk on steep slopes, it is best to take , not to the top, to avoid the high trees to prevent speedy injuries, and do not location in the low-lying ravine, to prevent flash torrents hurt. The best asylum in the mountain caves.
not go down too fast, not to running, otherwise it would be the knee and leg muscles felt ponderous traction, leaving the knee coupler harm or muscle strain.
in mountaineering, but also every once in a while to prevent sensitive lumbar and leg sprain, so every time rest, massage the waist and legs have muscles, prevent muscle stiffness. massage method is very easy, that with both hands, drag back gently rubbing or pinching the Ministry of the plenary thigh and calf muscles.
mountain tourism is effectively health concern extra than 10 points shall, if practical to do, to keep people merry and secure climbing.
Double Ninth season tall mountain can not exercise, even climbing elements, alternatively a aware board may exercise the stairs. sometime Soviet Union, 1 adept pointed out: ; to enhance physical fitness and the hindrance of disability, the modern invention of a variety of equipment to carry out physical exercise to expend excess weight, but less physical movement for those people who can do the stairs with a normal exercise tools, in a relatively temperate pace the stairs below the board, in common, consume per minute to approximately 15 kcal of heat, equivalent to a flat elbow in a weight of 100 kg, speed of 3.5 kilometers per hour to work a minutes of the calories consumed. . for the legs of the femur, tibia and fibula, is the longest human bone, they fashion one momentous pillar of the human body, when the antique shadow buffet, the bone essence cavity of the red bone marrow is gradually replaced by portly, wastage of hematopoietic function, lack of good nutrition to bone, bone become lax brittle, nervous control has gradually failed, the muscles chance lax, dry and blunt and flexibility, and Chaozhaoxixi, month and annual after annual the board stairs, it is to discourage aging movement is one major course.
Third, training should fall in the sixth tactic of published in exhale physical body, ailments and the role of longevity.
is the sixth formal tactics Liang Hongjing Northern and Southern Dynasties, the time disciple Wu Pu Hua again mate this power and apparatuses, that , blowing, smile, and organs were correlates to the clinical application of the theory provides a better foundation.
in medicine, the human internal organs in the lungs and the corresponding fall in autumn should pay consideration to conservation of the lungs, and often in practice Liu Zi Jue The waist to sit hips, knees stoop, feet apart, the whole body relax, the brain into the calm, go with the flow, should not force.
convey along the respiratory, the reduced body bent back, two hours after shortening down, upper body as far as possible bent down, while breathing, then shriek voiced breath, breath when this The cutting-edge enough to receive gas rose thumb, his arms through the lung of the road brought the Chinese and coke, to the left to start, favor a bird of Zhang Yi, feel the air line in the context of their own, such as the crawling insects. from the abdomen and chest , the upper arm in the lung honest person, out of date in Cunkou thenar gradually into the hole to reach the thumb peak of a small commerce Cave, breath to make the gas to that reality. When the breath to do, that is closed with nasal breathing, the diaphragm forced by the ebb in outside air, then lends belly swell. break; natural breathing repeatedly, and then peruse the : alternate to breathe usually, but still insist on the nose satisfied spew, with two Weibi, the two light lip together, the upper and lower teeth gently tapping each other 36 times, if the mouth Jin-sheng, Meng added to swallow, to ideas sent to the abdomen pubic zone. wire gas even when the reason for the amuse rate correction, aimed at maintaining the lung after the loss due to wire, replenishing the body upright, home health, said Gao Lian of the lung is training method.
regular train this fall, if successful, can remedy phlegm obstruct air, dry jaws and sore pharynx; a.m. practice must be to the fresh air, wooded park, in the practice should be to prevent interference with the 7 sentiments, such as non-arbitrary AV.
Fourth spit sound practice guide to the fall Law cited in the to onset the reinforcing and reducing, the method is simple and forcible.
in the fall, you can do spit sound guidance law in the : riding usage, with the feet shoulder width separately, feet on the ground, upper body conscientious. spread disk usage, but also points of natural sitting method (natural crosses his legs to sit) and the light touch left heel stick accompanied to the left foot, navigated breathing: Breath in br> received power guide: practice after the elemental position, with fists pounding his back opposition the third, fourth, fifth vertebrae, left and right cross counter-punch, when the corresponding beat the teeth 3 to 5 times, you can go to the lung disease between one's mind , tuberculosis, emphysema, bronchitis, asthma and so have some effect.
Fifth, the ups and downs breathing exercises.
in the is a simple but meaningful effect of medical gymnastics, both for prevention and manipulation of diseases such as bronchitis, but also has some character in urging the body. cement way is:
ready position:
entire body relaxed, natural standing legs open, such as shoulder width, shoulders sagging surely, focused on fancies to do the movements, breathing naturally.
shoulders peg-leg, hands fingers naturally open, the front of the head drop on the top, while breathing (arms A Start on the head drop at the top, the suction is also completed).
squat in the feet, the upper body to remain upright, his arms while squatting along with the top of the head and breast side fell to leg side, into a natural droop pose (squatting, his arms and exhale the whereabouts of the three to also start and completion).
then, legs to stand, weapon at the same time as the brain drip by the front of the top, while breathing, such as follows a squat time, do 10 to 20 times, relying on personal circumstances; too many times, over-ventilation, may cause dizziness; done action, refreshing, be moderate.
the action to be a period of versed, can be done instantly about the rotation of squatting, that rose, arm escalator and exhale in the meantime, the upper body left or right, facing left or right.
ups and downs of breathing exercises namely the body activity and breathing composition of deed, required to effect slow and soft, skinny breathing evenly. The training helps to improve pulmonary feature and gas metabolism, and quicken the blood propagation, primarily suitable because training in the fall.
Sixth nasal function and health. < br> medicine believes that the lung opens into the nose, such as rely mainly on the role of lung, lung and respiratory benefits,favor rain Like Wind ~ ~ ~, the nose can be perceptive sense of smell. If less than lung, nasal dysfunction, that is not working see the sense of smell, clear from the tears. Thus, lung and nasal closely related reason is the same with the two maximum important functions of the human body mm breathing related to breathing the lung can be functional, while the nose is breathing the gas access. If the ventilation function of the nose are affected, it will seriously affect the lungs role. Therefore, should do more in the autumn of nasal function and health.
carbuncle sore feet, to the tears saliva, nasal passages that pass, to hear grow on trees. a long line of endless, Toru heard ten. two-hole nose, nasal disease can be cured, but also through government carbuncle sore feet, but also law saliva than tears, so that nasal patency, to differentiate grow on trees. long to do this work, the sense of smell can smell up to a distance around. to treat patients on the After the breath-hold, even 5 times, treat nasal sores.
fall snout constantly do the work and health, contribute to lung respiratory function properly. In increase In counting, regular massage is also good for the nose, the thumb is to use both hands appearance Mutual friction in a thermal, hand thumb by the bridge of the nose outside. nose on both sides about 30 times up and down massage, then massage the nose on both sides of the 0.5 m lateral to the outer edge of the mid-point, when the nasolabial fold in). Mount nose day 3 to 4 times, can greatly enhance the competence of the nose of the chilly, can also treat the mutual cold, nasal congestion ambition not work. if we persevere in each morning or evening When the nose with a cold water bath effects would be better. Specifically: the nose inundated in cold water, infinite breath, awhile, the mushroom of ventilation and then inundated in water, so repeated 10 times.

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