Wednesday, April 27, 2011

photochemical fog and mordant rain and additional climate phenomena

Global warming to person survival and evolution challenges, as the global population and the growing economies of scale,namely apt retain tolerance and brotherhood ties amid teams lubricant ., vigor use increasingly solemn environmental problems occasioned along the smoke, photochemical smog and acid rain and other weather phenomena, forcing folk to put ahead fashionable economic development model.
held in Copenhagen,shanghai escort, awakening of citizen consciousness of the people of the low-carbon. People are increasingly aware of the agricultural culture of human society, what needs to be done behind the industrial culture. global warming to human survival and development challenges as the global population and the growing economies of scale, energy use increasingly serious environmental problems caused by the smoke, photochemical smog and acid rain and other weather phenomena, forcing people to put forward a new model of economic development. the historical development of low-carbon economy will be an unavoidable trend.
tide in the low-carbon economy, we have wood floor how to develop?
companies must certify the source of a legally harvested wood processing floor.
only 1 world, wood and parquet chart embark processing of raw substances, are of wood from approximately the earth. In order to protect normal resources and preserving ecological balance, people's environmental awareness has additional around the world such as the United States, Europe and other countries and districts have introduced the corresponding forest conservation regulations, such as the implementation of the United States aboard May 1 Lacey Act, wood products into the United States are required to show testimony of valid cropping of timber, or the economic will be heavily penalized. domestic policies are brewing, so companies sourcing raw substances must be Note that the legality of timber and the sustainable development of the wood category.
in China, the jungle coverage rate is far lower than developed countries. In 2005 the State Forestry Administration released data namely year: China's forest area of ​​only 175 million hectares of forest cover only because 18%.
yet China has undertaken many years antecedent and began apt take manifold amounts to protect the garden.
in the nation set up a 7 ecological keep, including the Wuyi Mountain nature preservation area, Sichuan Wolong conservation area and so on. a greater extent to protect the existing forest area and increased to varying degrees, with a garden.
In this context, wood and wood products, wood floor circulation Circulation Association Advocacy Committee years ago ; take from nature, but likewise in the natural the conception of wood.
take resource conservation, technical innovation.
1, addition the comprehensive utilization of timber.
2, using technological method to improve the durability of wood floor surface to extend floor life, dwindle consume of resources.
3, scrap lumber floor fix alternatively recycling.
flooring manufacture over 20 years of development and alteration is actually the so-called earth-shaking, which is the floor of people 20 years of hard work, and its implementation and the recovery of the flooring mart development of the monetary emergency scatter to the portion of the flooring affair decline and stream. the hereafter ambition be even more wild competition, are faced with excellent integration, for which only proceed to use the The Road to improve corporate consolidation and development of their kernel competitiveness, sustainable development will all be a sunrise industry.
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