Sunday, April 24, 2011

litter dirt

May 24 television interview, Li-Xiang Wang, director of the central administration after the earthquake ten fatal threat

earthquake, the aftershocks, many corpses, the wounded gathered, moist weather, poor environment, pathogenic ingredients everywhere. Whether the victims in anguish or rescue of the rescue group courageously, if I were you strengthen the defense and can lightly be prowling around the aggression of pathogenic microorganisms. According to the earthquake emergency rescue team membership medical team to provide the actual position of the front, the intended synopsis of ten big offender, and feedback measures can be fatal.
first fatal bleeding from the taint, as well as the human skin injury, grabbed the banner add free plug packed. does not kas long asthe taint contains large values of bacteria and viruses, the most deadly is tetanus prone. visually difficult to discriminate the tetanus bacteria enters the wound, and lack of appropriate treatment, will be outrageous in the anaerobic environment, growth and reproduction, unlock large amounts of tetanus toxin. In 2004, Indonesia's tsunami disaster medical treatment, many infected with tetanus toxoid 10 days after the disaster was carried into the hospital, Although they do not have a big wound, but the aggregation of tetanus toxin in their bodies directly on the central nervous system, medical staff can only watch as the survivors ran the earthquake and tsunami killed by the disease of life. how to prevent tetanus after injury it? Tetanus bacteria are anaerobic bacteria, the more closed the wound, the more susceptible to infection. in the event of injury, treatment should be divided into four steps: ① cleaning the wound, without hydrogen peroxide, and other vocational disinfection proxies, wash water should be chosen. ② open wound to stop bleeding after not closed the wound. ③ help as soon as possible to find a doctor, tetanus antitoxin or tetanus immune globulin and other special treatment.
second fatal ambition be met by waste water, industrial waste, sewage and decaying bodies of solemn pollution. water biological quality distinction may reason cholera, typhoid, diarrheal diseases, hepatitis A, hepatitis and schistosomiasis, leptospirosis, etc. disease; aquatic insect can cause malaria, dengue fever, onchocerciasis, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, guinea worm disease and other diseases; water quality difference may be caused along a diversity of chemical poisoning occur. drinking measures: ① If there is no pure water in quest of water to beverage, you should try to prefer water from deep wells, followed at the spring. ② identification of water quality by biological, chemical and additional suitable usage to decide water quality, and denote the time of accretion, identify the content of such sites. ③ can not resolve the source of purification and disinfection of the water should premier naked eye if the marshy water, prefer a clean fabric or fine dirt and other preliminary filtration, sedimentation, and then join bleach as disinfectants; maximum vulnerable to earthquake be the most important step is to seethe drinking water. Make sure to drink boiled water, put one end to beverage unboiled water, lest the It is spring and summer while the snake out. Ten of the land of the most general poisonous snakes in Sichuan have 4-6 species. for the epicenter is situated in the mountains, snake infested. houses collapsed, the sufferers and rescue workers are living in tents , or even sleeping ashore the ground's clothing. to prevent the snake attacks, thigh cuffs bound to pay care, sleep as many as possible no to sleep on the layer, not close the wall. snake bites the performance of different: (a) the performance of neurotoxic injury: regional wound Numbness, loss of consciousness, or merely mild itching. bruise manifest bulging, bleeding many, almost half one hour later the harm,, feel dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and disability. There severe difficulty swallowing, voice Sima, aphasia, ptosis and diplopia. Finally, there may be difficulty in breathing, blood oppression and shock, guiding to hypoxia, cyanosis, deadlock. if not promptly rescue the respiratory and circulatory failure in the last, the patient can be quickly fatal. neurotoxicity absorbed rapidly, perilous, for of mild regional omens are often ignored. harmed together the 1st 1-2 days of danger, once this transition duration, the symptoms can speedily corner as the better, and heal without leaving any sequelae. (b) the performance of blood poisoning injury: rapid bulging of the local bite, and continue to the proximal evolution, bruise grief, bleeding. the peel approximately the wound or Xuepao often accompanied by blisters, subcutaneous ecchymosis and tissue necrosis. roomy severe systemic bleeding, such as subconjunctival bleeding, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, and hematuria and so on. breast will emerge in the individual patient, abdominal bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage, guiding to hemorrhagic impact. patients with brain and tail Ho, nausea , vomiting and diarrhea, coupler anguish and lofty fever. because the symptoms appeared earlier, generally more timely treatment, so the death rate may be lower than neurotoxic injury patients. but because of sensitive attack, duration of more lasting, so the peril phase is longer, treatment of the serious consequences of too late. cured often left local and visceral complications. (c) the performance of mixed toxic injury: both neurotoxic and blood poisoning symptoms. was behind the snake bite emergency treatment measures: ① resistance off, as soon as possible a massive blood container in the wound by the top of the belting, to discourage the toxicity of the blood behind into the heart. ② bathe, rinse the wound with superfluity of water surface repeatedly. ③ suction out toxins. to disburse special attention to sucking mouth, if lip peel have broke or jaws ulcers, ambition quickly sponge the spread of toxins, so as far as possible with plastic movie for covering the wound in between the lip and then to suck. You can also knife to slit open the wound, squeeze blood toxins. ④ quickly quest medicinal alms, injection of antivenom. ⑤ escape or do strenuous discipline is strictly deterred, so as not to accelerate the blood stream, leadership to poisoning deepened.
fourth fatal mouse will return to the residence. houses collapsed and buried after a lot of food for rats to establish rewarding conditions for breeding, breeding of mice carrying a large number of germs, diseases, rodents are the media under state of emergency, host and noxious animals, rodents are with pathogens, is not only a pestilence, as well as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, local typhus, Lassa fever and other 34 kinds of pathogens. present with particular attention to prevention and treatment of epidemic hemorrhagic fever, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, also known as renal hemorrhagic fever, a typical case of the main clinical manifestations were fever, bleeding and kidney damage. The disease is natural foci of rodent-borne human viral diseases. murine virus rate with increased opportunity to increase exposure in rodents, increased during epizootic , people in near contact with rats, resulting in the prevalence of the disease. eating through the food Kenshi rodents may also be infected with for the spread of animal origin, it is due to contact with the virus and the host of infected animals and their excreta. respiratory tract is the cardinal route of transmission of the disease, Apodemus 10 days after infection, their saliva, urine and feces began to virus unload, urine detox long time. with virus excretion in aerosol form, inhaled through the respiratory tract can cause disease in humans, especially after the earthquake collapsed, densely populated greatly increase the contingencies of disease transmission, especially should pay attention to the respiratory tract isolation. short after the earthquake rodent, rodent control is mandatory.
fifth fatal a large number of mosquito breeding will not only outcome in increased mosquito density, but also cause mosquitoes to human beings the opportunity to amplify. be caused by the mosquito-borne diseases increased occurrence of important reasons. of special note, should paint attention to the pestilence has entered the beta Encephalitis high season, the victims of the earthquake in most babies, is a important disease susceptible population, especially children aged 2-6 the maximum incidence of human bites of mosquitoes carry the virus, most likely to spread malaria and epidemic B encephalitis. In 2006, Indonesia after the earthquake, the first outbreak occurred is malaria. mosquito converge on eating as much as possible in the nets when sleeping, or on bare skin at the applied anti-mosquito lotion or syrup. ① hiding eliminate mosquito breeding in mars after the earthquake, litter dirt, toilets, water pipes, etc. is a hotbed of mosquito breeding, to reinforce elementary health facilities, a broad range of environmental health conditions amend, the garbage, sewage and waste treatment to effectively make sound . ② manner to kill mosquitoes by using an integrated chemical, physical, biological, environmental and other control methods should be adjusted to local conditions after the earthquake, stereo surround and annihilate. ③ nature maintenance experts do not arrest the mosquitoes dragonflies, frogs and spiders, lizards, bats and so on is the natural antagonist of mosquitoes, is recognized as a versed pesticides. earthquake of folk they have to be protected.
sixth fatal human and beast bodies were buried in the rubble, there are a lot of edible and other alphabetical materials. in lukewarm weather conditions, these organic compounds will soon corrupt, cozy to dry flies invested the conditions of G students. Thus, Tangshan earthquake as huge as the earthquake damage, often in a quite short time a startling number of mature flies emerged, posing a serious menace to dwellers in catastrophe areas. flies is an important medium of intestinal catching diseases, numerous microbes can survive in the long in vitro, if the flies to patronize the contaminated secretions, excretions, and other items go to lick and suck the causative creature is presumable to spread to vulnerable populations. bacterial food poisoning occurred in the summer, caused by bacterial contamination of food mainly a disease with acute gastroenteritis diseases. The most common type of pollution for the Salmonella. ① collar the chance to annihilate adult flies and larvae. ② eradication of flies propagating floor for garbage, sewage, dung and other harmless to realistically achieve treatment. ③ Fly activities mobilized and implemented the integrated use of chemical, physical, biological, environmental, and other methods to manner three-dimensional surround and annihilate the fly, so no location to conceal. ④ protecting the normal enemies of frogs flies, spiders, lizards, bats and so are the normal enemies of flies, fly eradication of these animals are our allies, should be defended. catastrophe in the make of flies and fly disinfestation of the work, pay attention to not eat the best left-over food, not eating food and shield storeroom.
seventh malignant death 24 apt 30 hours, the body per gram of tissue and per milliliter of tissue liquid involving the total number of bacteria 300 million to 350 million. corpse pathogenic micro-organisms spread of direction primarily as follows: directly endanger salvage laborers, indirectly pollute the environment and even to the mourners with to physical and psychological impair. body handling is especially momentous, ought grab the principles of treatment die bodies: ① early management for early as feasible the body was discovered. ② rigid disinfection and separation with body bags. ③ buried far away from water sources and residential districts, and do deep buried. ④ adjoin with the body of the staff to wear disguises, mitts and protective clothes. ⑤ implementation of the corpses were buried, to rigorous disinfection of always clothing and supplies. ⑥ advocate funeral to say goodbye to the portrait, to guard opposition possible secondary pollution in funeral .
eighth fatal a survivor. rescuers to do psychological counseling to prevent the survivors of grief, causing psychological risks. In addition to not take the initiative to query as many as possible about the quiver survivors and relatives of the circumstance scenario, should also guide the survivors: ① vent. Do not stop the survivors call, but as far as possible the internal pain through his tears, and other ways to vent out about complaints. ② ease. You can touch, hug, etc. to send more security-friendly access to the survivors a sense of security, and with a mild variety of language to encourage him. ③ convey. via the regular meals, recess time, to encourage reading, the sun, listening to melody in many ways the attention of those who spread pain, sorrow and even navigate the work as soon as possible to help others. ④ addressed. via a definite psychological counseling and comfort, encouraging those who face life grief, to face life.
ninth fatal fractures in patients with early fraught with important therapeutic step is plaster nailed amounts; both limbs need to restrict activities. does not understand the stop deserving to the long mattress, local blood flow, intravascular thrombosis extremely slow, it will soon fall off as the blood flow, causing fatal pulmonary embolism. Therefore, after fracture rebate and fixation of patients to athletic or passive limb action. For sample, a broken arm, you can let work ---- ------ fist by fist method activities to enhance blood flow and prevent thrombosis. In increase to athletic massage, Taigaohuanzhi prefer of blood return.
tenth fatal dangerous way. in a pair of unwashed hands can be found in 45 million to several millions of bacteria, along to statistics, fewer than handled indirectly transmit dozens of diseases. submissively to pay tribute to avoid toxins, germs spread every other. in the affected areas lack access to clean water when washing and disinfectants to depress the handshake can greatly dilute the risk of disease transportation. Currently, infectious diseases remain the world's highest incidence, paralysis caused by human and cause of death. According to WTO reports, the 48 most common disease, approximately 40 species belonging to infectious diseases, the number of patients of the total incidence of 85%, and fashionable infectious diseases are still emerging. the message namely comes after a disaster with the very serious outbreak, the handshake namely today's most common, the highest frequency of use of public propriety, from the obstruction of infectious diseases in the sense that, especially in the big earthquake disaster today, should consider a alteration. In 2003, during SARS, Beijing Mayor Wang Qishan to take the lead, said: ; today we do not move hands, and to hand over owe respect of.

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