Thursday, April 28, 2011

the certify

All forward, the scientists are trying to ascertain planets outside the Earth the presence of water ,toronto escorts, because water is one necessity unit for life , only with the presence of water would have the existence of life , April 10 the premier time astronomers in the solar system Found outside the presence of water on the planet, the testify , which manner namely Fengyun favor planets may patronize life of Jupiter . The news is good or bad? a second planet earth is for us not to acquaint you the equivalent of , You can enjoy the pollution of the environment ,toronto escort, because we have a living space behind of it ?
I think this namely a bad newspaper tin no , for we have been advocating : Only One Earth ,In Italy,toronto escorts, to attach to the environment to survive . Now there is a possible appropriate because person alive space , this period it ambition have nothing to terror : the pollution of the surroundings agenda for what ? depletion of water resources agenda for what ? atmosphere loopholes then what ? What variety of population growth ? we are not terrified , Because we have 1 world ~ makes me feel the alarm , Is this what human racking their brains to the pursuit of the second life space? When the second face of the earth to show the people when we go from here ? Yes Continue to care for our alive space ? or home shook out , leaving a scarred earth forsook ? This is naturally worth a good see at the reflection !
So I hope from now caring for the earth , protect the environment , though not the only planet One ,shanghai escort, merely for a birth parent star of life , will all remain in our history ~

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