Thursday, May 5, 2011

Japanese experts Shinohara Hidetaka namely the body's pH merit among 7.35 ~ 7.45

Microcirculation of the rind easily lead apt needy fuel secretion disarray, resulting in acne, acne and so on. In the dry season season, Acidic human likewise constantly disposed to itchy peel, eczema and acute.
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person physique pH of the points, attention should be treated differently under the Constitution in array to receive the best results - you are acidic or alkaline? world prominent medical medic, Japanese experts Shinohara Hidetaka namely the body's pH merit between 7.35 ~ 7.45,beijing escort, namely alkaline, pH value under 7.35 is acidic.
Generally speaking, when the pH value is between 7.35 to 7.4 slightly alkaline When people can reside healthy. Conversely, if the long-term livelihood of a lofty acidic body, the aboriginal nice health will gradually conversion to the sub-health state. Compared with the alkaline, acidic human skin are also prone to extra problems .
So, how to determine that they are alkaline or acidic it? worldwide conventional revelation means from blood, urine, body and carbon dioxide with alkali reserve ratio test in 4 areas.
If not via conventional medical handling can also be carried out via everyday physical state constitution generally resolve the pH.
acidic skin care measures
day for people who are acidic, the skin many of the problems get down to poor propagation. Therefore, to amend the skin problems, the opener is to change the skin micro-circulation, enhance skin metabolism. every a.m. washing the skin, sub-part of a focused means. first with the wake muscular secretion of sebum skin water slapped the T-site, and then compel the weaker portly knead Cleanser Wash insolence. drying moisture for the skin Renew sprayed water, and gently tap.
massage massage can activity better circulation, and promote the role of skin metabolism, but the lack of nourishment in the state of the skin massage, but it could lead to skin labor and dry. the nutrition in the palm of the hand rub massage cream, and then contact with the skin, With heating of this little deceive can help the skin to better preoccupy nutrients in the massage cream.
acidic moisture replenishment and then people slow blood flow, Kang Bite L-carnitine capsules lack of skin moisture, air-conditioned chambers, etc. If we meet dry conditions, dry skin more easily, or even dry and flaky. purely for the acidic moisture like people who can not afford anybody effect, when the skin is a solemn water deficit state, have to first pay and then moisturizing. day and night replenishment-based cleansing products cleanse the skin; with the replenishment spray to improve skin moisture content; with the class of Hengshui Renew oil secretion,shanghai massage, when anti-inflammatory; then moisture enhance the ability of the skin against drying cream, and finally isolated from milk with sun conservation. In order to get plenty of moisture the skin acid complement should be used at fewest double a week deep moisturizing mask.
acid gel-like mask replenishment people do not disburse attention if long-term physical moisture replenishment, in the dry season it is easy to emergencies: quite severe drying, itching, or even from the skin, or wrapping are Mabu Kai Foundation. This period, it is necessary for emergency relief of the skin . can be a day for 3 to 6 days using the gel-like disguise replenishment, strengthens the skin moisture content; After cleaning the water conditioning, balance the skin secretion of water and oil,beijing escort, then use the moisture condensation.? jelly-like mask the occasional replenishment used several times, probably the achieve is not manifest, but for a week, the effect is truly amazing, it is value a attempt.
antioxidant, more effective isolation
Acidic people, more free radicals the body itself, skin easily affected by the external environment, of special note, need to oxidation. fresh and not greasy twice isolation of antioxidant cream recipe, can proceed to strengthen the skin barrier and self-repair and prevent adverse ultraviolet rays, super-filtration protective movie can effectively seclude bad context and make-up of the damage, clean inner skin tissue and assist repair skin problems caused by residual UV, taboo melanin formation, reduce the smudge, to invest light and ventilation for the skin care.
not easily offer to mainstream cosmetics
and colored component, skin care what is on TV a new product, listen to a good friend what products to buy now, wait for them as a testing ground for his face. The results began to appear red skin rash, severe swelling can occur. acidity Constitution of the skin easily the most inhibit to try those who are not used cosmetics, a beautiful U.S. fruits and vegetables, or abuse of makeup, with make-up overnight. Refreshing, skin zero burden, the more clean and more acidic skin benefit stay healthy.
more vitamins
lack of vitamins, dry coarse skin is easy to cause skin inflammation, peeling and additional allergies. in fruits and vegetables wealthy in vitamins, pear and kiwi is the preferred, eating can boost the acidity competence of anti-sensitive skin medical research confirmed: When the body is alkaline, PH value that is between 7.35 ~ 7.38, is relatively healthy, merely when the PH value in excess of 7.4, belongs to strongly alkaline. Qiang basic physical person, hasty turnover of skin compartments, glandular secretion of strong, a lot of sweat secretion,the district namely preferably uncommon large, causing the sebaceous glands to dwindle the acidity of the skin tend to alkaline, the skin disease resistance will go down easy invasion of bacteria, susceptible to skin disease.
digit of sweat and dwindle the acerbity of skin, decreased disease resistance, resulting in a diversity of skin infections, occasioned at folliculitis, furuncle swollen and so on. Therefore, alkali skin, defend the skin the maximum important thing is to keep the skin cleaning, bathing regularly, avert redundant secretion of sweat and skin irritation. elected feeble mordant cleansing milk, in increase, should not be accustomed when the facial cleansing brush, sponge or loofah, so as to avoid causing friction sensitive.
every person strong alkaline, metabolic speed, oily skin is not only easy, but will more possible than the acidic become rough. cleaned the absence for timely afford of cosmetics good moisture absorption, so that the cuticle retain ample moisture, increase skin softness, skin is more moisture. Toner, also known as toner, cream, timely and activating to the skin to clean and make the skin washed back its alkaline acidic to protect the skin from bacteria and external stimuli. but drunkard toner, but it will make sensitive skin redness, and make the skin tight, mild and do not use every day alcohol, spices Toner , later cleansing with the index finger, medium finger and ring finger pulp flick on the skin surface, can be made to keep the skin soft.
T-site massage
clean balance at the same time conditioning oil, reserve the skin fresh and watery for the alkali of the physical human is primarily major. by the time no dry skin, it is needful to focus on the T-site cleaning. principally in the pores of the local, with a deep cleansing massage lotion, a grease trap, and then bathed with water.
(Editor: Mr Qiu Yan)
northwardly winds, a lot of MM's mini face have become sunny red. Do not think you glowing Oh! it is likely that red blood have been seeing for you. In truth, for very many red blood Oh, you want to completely clear, the need to distinguish between types!
red blood broadly divided into two types, genetic type and inducible.
congenital genetic type of the stratum corneum mostly red blood thin, there are genetic ingredients, kin history often.
evoked the most mutual type of red blood, the chief causes are the following:
one, local long-term use of corticosteroid hormone drugs such as Pi Yan Ping, Fuqing Song, dimensional skin, Pevisone, Pi and Wang, causing capillaries dilate, causing skin thinning and atrophy accompanied by sensitive skin, red swollen hot Cang, cosmetics allergy symptoms.
2 alive districts great or dirt poor climate conditions sunburn underwent frostbite, resulting in the havoc layer of skin, the skin secretion of nutritional insufficiency, blood circulation blocked, stasis of the vascular walls presents a partition of the facial redness.
Third, after a cosmetic skin, because skin products containing mainly benzoic acid , salicylic acid and other acidic substances, repeated stimulation of slender and tender, slight facial area, the surface of the skin peeled off the dermis layer of unprotected exposure to the outside, a variety of stimuli, and ultraviolet light induced.
IV sensitive skin, the stratum corneum generally thin, their outside sunlight, pills, cosmetics, wind temperature (peppery and cold) and so sensitive, resulting in little blood vessels are not ebbed and flowed, showing repeated congestion state, resulting in vascular bypass expansion, the formation of red blood.
5, unsuitable use of cosmetics and evoked sudden allergic repercussion to cosmetics contain chemical components, resulting in easily lead to allergies, which for of cilia color, perm reaction caused by evolution of the more common. As the incentive contains a lot of hair tinge of chemical materials to cause allergy sensitive skin lgE users, who will light from red papules localized, severe face and cervix from the red stop clinic, accompanied by the phenomenon of swelling and skin lesions, severe break to the skin stratum corneum .

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